There are over 3000 four-year universities and colleges in the United States. How do you know which one is right for you, and how do you put your application package together in a way that increases your opportunities?  A college application coach can help you navigate the daunting process of finding the right school and completing the application process. I am able to help students take ownership of the task of applying to college, meet deadlines, and submit successful applications. I help by providing organizational advice, assistance during the writing process, and support to gather necessary documentation to complete the application.  The students I work with are proud of their applications and are able to call their work their own. My collaborative approach has led to an outstanding success rate when it comes to helping students find a college that is the right fit.

I provide all or some the following services depending on your needs:

  • An overview and introduction to the college application process

  • An evaluation of the student’s academic history as it relates to the college application process.

  • Assistance developing a concise list of target colleges based on student’s strengths and areas of interest including geographic, financial and academic considerations. 

  • Assistance to the student to organize materials, manage time, and meet deadlines.

  • Guidance throughout the writing process enabling the student to complete a unique and powerful personal statement including: 

    • prewriting, writing, revision, editing, and submission

    • online and in-person support throughout the writing process of personal statement essays

    • waitlist or appeal writing if necessary

  • Guidance to the student for communicating with the admissions department or athletic coaches when necessary.

Please contact me for packages and pricing.